Achieving Dependency Injection in Node.js with InversifyJS

Achieving Dependency Injection in Node.js with InversifyJS

In modern software development, Dependency Injection (DI) is a fundamental design pattern that enhances applications’ modularity, testability, and maintainability. It allows us to inject dependencies into objects, rather than hard-coding them within the classes. Node.js, being a popular platform for building scalable and efficient applications, can greatly benefit from DI principles. InversifyJS is a powerful and flexible Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Node.js that facilitates DI.

This article delves into the intricacies of achieving DI in Node.js using InversifyJS, complete with code samples and detailed explanations.

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that allows a class to receive its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them internally. This promotes loose coupling, making the code more modular and easier to test.

Why InversifyJS?

InversifyJS is a lightweight IoC container for JavaScript and TypeScript applications. It is designed to work with TypeScript but can also be used with plain JavaScript. It supports features like:

  • Class decorators for dependency injection
  • Support for interfaces and abstract classes
  • Container module organization
  • Middleware

Setting Up InversifyJS

To get started with InversifyJS, you need to set up a Node.js project. Let’s walk through the steps:

Step 1: Initialize a Node.js Project

First, create a new Node.js project:

mkdir inversifyjs-demo
cd inversifyjs-demo
npm init -y

Step 2: Install Dependencies

To properly implement dependency injection in a Node.js application using InversifyJS, the following packages are necessary:

Runtime Dependencies

  1. inversify
  • Purpose: InversifyJS is a powerful and lightweight inversion of control (IoC) container for JavaScript and TypeScript apps. It allows for dependency injection, which helps in managing dependencies between classes and promoting loose coupling.
  • Installation:
    npm install inversify
  1. reflect-metadata
  • Purpose: Reflect-metadata is a library that provides a metadata API for JavaScript. It is essential for InversifyJS to work with TypeScript decorators, as it enables the use of metadata reflection. This allows InversifyJS to understand the dependencies that need to be injected into classes.
  • Installation:
    npm install reflect-metadata

Development Dependencies

  1. typescript
  • Purpose: TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Using TypeScript provides static typing, which helps in identifying errors at compile-time rather than runtime. It also provides support for modern JavaScript features and makes the code more robust and maintainable.
  • Installation:
    npm install typescript --save-dev
  • Reason for --save-dev: It is a development dependency because TypeScript is needed only during the development and compilation phases, not in production.
  1. @types/node
  • Purpose: This package provides type definitions for Node.js, allowing TypeScript to understand Node.js built-in modules and global variables. It ensures that TypeScript can type-check code that uses Node.js APIs.
  • Installation:
    npm install @types/node --save-dev
  • Reason for --save-dev: It is a development dependency because type definitions are required only during development for type-checking and IntelliSense support in IDEs.
  1. @types/inversify
  • Purpose: This package provides type definitions for InversifyJS. These type definitions help TypeScript to understand the types used in InversifyJS, providing better type-checking and IntelliSense support.
  • Installation:
    npm install @types/inversify --save-dev
  • Reason for --save-dev: It is a development dependency because type definitions are needed only during development for type-checking and IntelliSense support in IDEs.


  • inversify and reflect-metadata are required at runtime to enable dependency injection and metadata reflection.
  • typescript, @types/node, and @types/inversify are required during development to provide type-checking, support for TypeScript features, and IntelliSense, ensuring robust and maintainable code.

These packages together enable a robust development environment that leverages the power of TypeScript and dependency injection with InversifyJS, improving code quality, maintainability, and developer productivity.

Step 3: Configure TypeScript

If you are using TypeScript (which is recommended for leveraging the full power of InversifyJS), set up a tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES6",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": ["es6", "DOM"],
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "outDir": "./dist"
  "include": ["src"]

Implementing Dependency Injection with InversifyJS

Let’s implement a simple service-oriented architecture using InversifyJS.

Step 1: Create Interfaces

Define interfaces for the services. Create a src/interfaces.ts file:

// src/interfaces.ts
export interface Warrior {
  fight(): string;
  sneak(): string;

export interface Weapon {
  hit(): string;

export interface ThrowableWeapon {
  throw(): string;

Step 2: Create Implementations

Create concrete implementations for the interfaces. Create a src/entities.ts file:

import { injectable, inject } from "inversify";
import { Warrior, Weapon, ThrowableWeapon } from "./interfaces";

export class Katana implements Weapon {
  public hit(): string {
    return "cut!";

export class Shuriken implements ThrowableWeapon {
  public throw(): string {
    return "hit!";

export class Ninja implements Warrior {
  private _katana: Weapon;
  private _shuriken: ThrowableWeapon;

  public constructor(
    @inject("Weapon") katana: Weapon,
    @inject("ThrowableWeapon") shuriken: ThrowableWeapon
  ) {
    this._katana = katana;
    this._shuriken = shuriken;

  public fight(): string {
    return this._katana.hit();

  public sneak(): string {
    return this._shuriken.throw();

Step 3: Configure Inversify Container

Configure the Inversify container to manage the dependencies. Create a src/inversify.config.ts file:

// src/inversify.config.ts
import { Container } from "inversify";
import { Warrior, Weapon, ThrowableWeapon } from "./interfaces";
import { Ninja, Katana, Shuriken } from "./entities";

const myContainer = new Container();

export { myContainer };

Step 4: Application Entry Point

Create the application entry point to resolve dependencies and run the application. Create a src/index.ts file:

// src/index.ts
import "reflect-metadata";
import { myContainer } from "./inversify.config";
import { Warrior } from "./interfaces";

const ninja = myContainer.get<Warrior>("Warrior");
console.log(ninja.fight()); // Outputs: cut!
console.log(ninja.sneak()); // Outputs: hit!

Step 5: Compile and Run

npx tsc
node dist/index.js


1. npx tsc

  • Purpose: This command compiles TypeScript files into JavaScript files.
  • Details:
  • npx: A Node.js package runner that can execute binaries from the node_modules directory without requiring a global installation.
  • tsc: The TypeScript compiler that compiles TypeScript code to JavaScript.
  • Usage: When you run npx tsc, it reads the tsconfig.json file (if present) and compiles all TypeScript files according to the configuration specified. The output is typically placed in a directory like dist.

2. node dist/index.js

  • Purpose: This command executes the compiled JavaScript code using Node.js.
  • Details:
  • node: The runtime environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code outside of a browser.
  • dist/index.js: The entry point of your compiled JavaScript code. This path can vary depending on how the TypeScript compiler is configured to output files.
  • Usage: After the TypeScript code has been compiled into JavaScript, running node dist/index.js will start the application using the compiled JavaScript files.


  1. Compile: npx tsc compiles TypeScript (.ts) files into JavaScript (.js) files.
  2. Run: node dist/index.js runs the compiled JavaScript code using Node.js.

This two-step process ensures that TypeScript code is converted into runnable JavaScript and then executed in a Node.js environment.

Detailed Explanation

Interfaces and Implementations

In src/interfaces.ts, we defined interfaces for the Warrior, Weapon, and ThrowableWeapon. This abstraction allows us to create different implementations without changing the dependent classes.

In src/entities.ts, we created concrete implementations of these interfaces. The @injectable() decorator marks these classes as available for dependency injection. The Ninja class depends on Weapon and ThrowableWeapon, and it receives these dependencies through its constructor.

Inversify Container Configuration

In src/inversify.config.ts, we set up the Inversify container. The bind method maps interfaces to their implementations. This configuration tells Inversify how to resolve dependencies.

Application Entry Point

In src/index.ts, we import reflect-metadata to enable reflection for TypeScript decorators. We then use the container to resolve the Warrior dependency and run the application. The ninja.fight() and ninja.sneak() methods demonstrate that the dependencies are injected correctly.

Benefits of Using InversifyJS

  1. Loose Coupling: By depending on interfaces rather than concrete implementations, your code becomes more modular and easier to maintain.
  2. Testability: DI makes mock dependencies in unit tests easier, enhancing testability.
  3. Scalability: As your application grows, DI helps manage dependencies more effectively, making the codebase scalable.
  4. Flexibility: You can easily switch implementations without changing the dependent classes.

Get the source code here.


InversifyJS provides a powerful and flexible way to implement Dependency Injection in Node.js applications. By following the principles of DI, you can create more modular, maintainable, and testable code. This article covered the basics of setting up InversifyJS, creating interfaces and implementations, configuring the IoC container, and running the application. Embracing DI with InversifyJS can significantly enhance your Node.js projects, making them more robust and easier to manage.

By integrating MongoDB with TensorFlow in a Node.js environment, we demonstrate the versatility and power of combining modern databases with advanced machine learning capabilities. Leveraging InversifyJS for Dependency Injection adds an extra layer of maintainability and scalability to your application architecture.

Thanks for reading…

Happy coding! 🚀

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